Ancient Thogchag Vajra

Ancient  Vajra Thogchag ∼  14-16th Century. 

Extremely rare collectable with superb workmanship and beautiful patina.

Thogchags are Tibetan talismans made of bronze and meteoric metals, Sky iron, dating as far back as the Bronze Age. While precise dates for the Tibetan Bronze Age have yet to be formulated, evidence indicate that it started around the beginning of the Second Millennium BCE. An unbroken tradition of producing amulets extends into the Iron Age and Buddhist periods creating a cultural legacy thousands of years old.

o  Thogchags are a major part of Tibetan heritage, a valuable indicator of Tibetan history and culture that is quickly disappearing 

o  Highly prized by Tibetans, Thogchags are traditionally worn for protection and good luck. In the pre-Buddhist Bon religion, the amulets were used in rituals to dispel evil and attract good fortune.

o  Thogchags are objects representing a wide range of functions, provenances and chronologies. Included among them are materials that were originally utilitarian items but which came to assume a talismanic function in subsequent centuries. Most Thogchags were designed as amulets to be worn or to adorn sacred objects.

o In the last 20 years Thogchags have become highly collectable and are now rarely available

o Perfect condition, no damage or repair. 

o Size ∼ 48mm x 19 mm.



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