Buddha Statue

Happy Buddha Statue / White Jambhala

White Jambhala \ Dzambhala Gapee in Tibetan) is the compassionate manifestation of the Chenrezig Guan Yin

  • He can remove the suffering of poverty and sickness, purify non-virtuous and karmic obstacles, avert disaster and sickness, and evolve bodhicitta mind
  • The Tibetan legend said that a revered high lama Atisha was walking alone when he found a man starving and near death. After looking around and unable to find food for the old happy buddha statue man, he cut flesh from his own body and offered it to the starving man. But the man refused to eat of his flesh. Being depressed and not knowing how else to help the man nearing death, Lama Atisha sat down next to him. At that point there was a blinding bright white light and before Atisha appeared Chenrezig of compassion. He told Lama Atisha that he was going to manifest himself as the God of Wealth, Jambhala, and assure that those in poverty would suffer no longer.
  • White Jambhala was born from his right eye. He sits on a snow lion (the emblem of Tibet, representing the snowy mountain ranges and glaciers of Tibet and may also symbolize power and strength, and fearlessness and joy)
  • He has a Mongoose his left hand spits out precious diamonds and ornaments

White Jambhala mantra

  • Om Padma Krodha Arya Jambhala Hridaya Hum Phat

How are happy buddha statue sculptures used?

  • Tibetan sacred art always serves a religious function. This sculpture, like most Tibetan art, may be used in meditation as an aid to visualize Buddha’s moment of enlightenment, one’s own enlightenment, as well as that of all other beings
  • The sacred sculpture gives the practitioner direct access to the Buddha once it is ritually empowered as an embodiment of the Buddha.
  • It may then receive the obeisance, offerings, confessions and prayers of every variety from the practitioner. These sacred images take a place of honour on a altar, whether at home or in a monastery. There they become a focal point for meditation and ritual 

Pouring water over statues

  • The legend said that while Gautama happy buddha statue was teaching the Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra, the jealous Devadatta threw rocks at the Buddha. But instead, the rocks hit White and Yellow Jambhalas.
  • Buddha then came over to Jambhala and blessed him; from his hand came a white, nectar-like substance of wisdom and compassion and love, and touched Jambhala’s head.
  • Jambhala felt very blissful, happy, calm, and cleaned his impurities and obstructions, and his wounds. Jambhala immediately bowed down to Buddha and thanked him.
  • Buddha said to him, “As I have healed you and I poured this holy nectar onto you, in the future any one of my students or student’s students who invokes your power and pours water onto your head – bestow on them wealth, give them the two types of wealth, material wealth and spiritual wealth, more importantly spiritual wealth.”
  • After that, Jambhala folded his hands and said, “I will do as you have said and I promise that I will do that
  • That story has become the basis for the practitioners of Jambhala Puja to pour water over their statues or to place their statues under the falling water

Add this rare gem to your collection and invite the blessings of the into your life. Seize the opportunity to connect with the timeless wisdom and find solace in the presence of this exquisite antique Happy Buddha statue.


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Buddha Statue

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